Set Up a Highly Available PostgreSQL Cluster using Docker on Ubuntu 20.04

This guide will walk you through the steps to set up a scalable, and highly available PostgreSQL database cluster from scratch using docker on an Ubuntu 20.04.

The following set of software will be used to build a fault-tolerant, high availability cluster for PostgreSQL: 

  • Docker is a set of platform as a service products that use OS-level virtualization to deliver software in packages called containers. 
  • Patroni is a cluster manager used to customize and automate deployment and maintenance of PostgreSQL HA (High Availability) clusters. 
  • etcd is a strongly consistent, distributed key-value store that provides a reliable way to store data that needs to be accessed by a distributed system or cluster of machines
  • PgBouncer is an open-source, lightweight connection pooler for PostgreSQL.
  • HAProxy is a free and open source software that provides a high availability load balancer and proxy server for TCP and HTTP-based applications that spreads requests across multiple servers.

PostgreSQL HA Cluster Layout

We will use following information throughout this tutorial to run a PostgreSQL high availability cluster under docker container:

Container Name		IP Address	Service
postgres1 PostgreSQL, patroni, etcd, pgbouncer
postgres2 PostgreSQL, patroni, etcd, pgbouncer
postgres3 PostgreSQL, patroni, etcd, pgbouncer

haproxy1 HAProxy

To follow this tutorial along, you will need a (physical or virtual) machine installed with Ubuntu 20.04.


Prepare Ubuntu to run docker

Log in to your Ubuntu 20.04 machine using a non-root user having sudo privileges, and perform the following steps to run docker.
Set correct timezone on your Ubuntu:
sudo timedatectl set-timezone Asia/Karachi

Make sure you replace highlighted text with yours. 

Remove if there is any older version of docker exists on your Ubuntu:

sudo apt autoremove docker docker-compose containerd runc
Install docker official APT repository on your Ubuntu: 

sudo apt install ca-certificates curl gnupg lsb-release
curl -fsSL | sudo gpg --dearmor -o /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/docker.gpg echo "deb [arch=$(dpkg --print-architecture) signed-by=/etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/docker.gpg] $(lsb_release -cs) stable" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/docker.list > /dev/null

Update APT cache:

sudo apt update

Install latest available release of docker on your Ubuntu:

sudo apt install -y docker-ce docker-ce-cli docker-compose docker-compose-plugin

Add your Ubuntu user to docker group in order to execute docker command without sudo:

sudo usermod -aG docker $USER

Restart docker to make changes effect: 

sudo systemctl restart docker

Reboot your Ubuntu machine: 

sudo shutdown -r now

Log in to docker hub from your Ubuntu command line: 

docker login
username: your_docker_hub_username
password: your_password

Pull Ubuntu 20.04 docker image: 

docker pull ubuntu:20.04

Prepare a docker container with all the required packages

Create a docker container using ubuntu 20.04 image,  and prepare it by installing all the required packages (postgres, patroni, etcd, pgbouncer):
docker run -it --name postgres_release12 -e DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive ubuntu:20.04
This will take you to a docker container root shell prompt.

Type following command on docker container shell prompt to install required packages:
apt update; apt install -y nano wget ca-certificates curl gnupg lsb-release

Type following command on docker container shell prompt to add PostgreSQL official APT repository:

curl -fsSL | gpg --dearmor -o /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/postgresql.gpg

sh -c 'echo "deb $(lsb_release -cs)-pgdg main" >> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/pgdg.list'

apt update

We will install PostgreSQL release 12. If you wish, you can install any other version of your choice to meet your environment need.

Type following command on docker container shell prompt to install PostgreSQL release 12:

apt -y install postgresql-12

ln -s /usr/lib/postgresql/12/bin/* /usr/sbin/

rm -rf /var/lib/postgresql/12/main/*

Type following command on docker container shell prompt to install latest available release of etcd:
apt install -y etcd
Type following command on docker container shell prompt to install latest available release of patroni:

apt -y install python3 python3-pip python3-dev libpq-dev python3-etcd

ln -s /usr/bin/python3 /usr/bin/python

pip3 install launchpadlib --upgrade setuptools psycopg2 apt install -y patroni

Type following command on docker container shell prompt to install latest available release of pgbouncer:

apt install -y pgbouncer
Edit /etc/environment file to add some of the required variables for patroni, and etcd:
nano /etc/environment
Add following variables:
export PGDATA="/var/lib/postgresql/12/main"
export ETCDCTL_API="3"
export PATRONI_SCOPE="pg_cluster"
Save and close the editor when you are finished.
At this stage, we have installed all the required packages on a docker container. 
In the next step, we will save postgres_release12 docker container to a docker image so that we can create as many containers as required to run PostgreSQL HA Cluster using docker.
Type exit on container shell prompt to bounce back to your Ubuntu 20.04:


Save a docker container to an image

Type following command on your Ubuntu to save postgres_release12 container to a docker image and name it as postgres12_ha_image
docker commit postgres_release12 postgres12_ha_image

Remove postgres_release12 docker container from your Ubuntu as you do not need it anymore: 
docker rm postgres_release12

Create a docker network

Create a separate docker network to be used only with PostgreSQL HA cluster:
docker network create -d bridge --subnet= pg_network

docker network ls

ip addr show


Create three docker containers from image

Create three docker containers using (postgres12_ha_image) and name them as (postgres1, postgres2, postgres3): 
docker create -it --network pg_network --ip -h postgres1 --name postgres1 postgres12

docker create -it --network pg_network --ip -h postgres2 --name postgres2 postgres12
docker create -it --network pg_network --ip -h postgres3 --name postgres3 postgres12

Start all three containers at the same time: 

docker start postgres1 postgres2 postgres3

Check running docker containers: 

docker ps

Edit /etc/hosts file on (postgres1):

docker exec -it postgres1 bash -c "nano /etc/hosts"
Add IP and hostname of each container:    localhost
    postgres1    postgres2    postgres3
Save and close the editor when you are finished.

Configure ETCD cluster in docker container

Edit /etc/default/etcd on (postgres1) to add required configuration:
docker exec -it postgres1 bash -c "mv /etc/default/etcd /etc/default/etcd-orig"

docker exec -it postgres1 bash -c "nano /etc/default/etcd"
Add following configuration:
Save and close the editor when you are finished. 

Configure patroni cluster in docker container

Edit postgres.yml file on (postgres1) to add required configuration:
docker exec -it postgres1 bash -c "nano /etc/patroni/postgres.yml"

Add following configuration: 

scope: pg_cluster
namespace: /service/
name: postgres1

listen: postgres1:8008
connect_address: postgres1:8008

hosts: postgres1:2379,postgres2:2379,postgres3:2379

ttl: 30
loop_wait: 10
retry_timeout: 10
maximum_lag_on_failover: 1048576
use_pg_rewind: true
use_slots: true

- encoding: UTF8
- data-checksums

- host replication replicator md5
- host replication replicator md5
- host all all md5

password: admin
- createrole
- createdb

listen: postgres1:5432
connect_address: postgres1:5432
proxy_address: postgres1:6432
data_dir: /var/lib/postgresql/12/main
bin_dir: /usr/lib/postgresql/12/bin
pgpass: /tmp/pgpass
username: replicator
password: replicator
username: postgres
password: postgres
username: rewind
password: rewind

nofailover: false
noloadbalance: false
clonefrom: false
nosync: false

Save and close the editor when you are finished.

Configure pgbouncer in docker container

Edit pgbouncer.ini file on (postgres1) to make the required changes: 
docker exec -it postgres1 bash -c "nano /etc/pgbouncer/pgbouncer.ini"

In the [databases] section, add database info like below: 

* = host=postgres1 port=5432 dbname=postgres

Locate listen_addr=localhost and change it to: 

listen_addr = *
In the [pgbouncer] section, add following, but below to auth_file = /etc/pgbouncer/userlist.txt line:
auth_user = pgbouncer
auth_query = SELECT p_user, p_password FROM public.lookup($1)
Save and close the editor when you are finished.
Edit /etc/hosts file on (postgres2):

docker exec -it postgres2 bash -c "nano /etc/hosts"
Add IP and hostname of each container:    localhost
    postgres1    postgres2    postgres3
Save and close the editor when you are finished.

Edit /etc/default/etcd on (postgres2) to add required configuration:
docker exec -it postgres2 bash -c "mv /etc/default/etcd /etc/default/etcd-orig"

docker exec -it postgres2 bash -c "nano /etc/default/etcd"
Add following configuration:
Save and close the editor when you are finished. 

Edit postgres.yml file on (postgres2) to add required configuration:
docker exec -it postgres2 bash -c "nano /etc/patroni/postgres.yml"

Add following configuration: 

scope: pg_cluster
namespace: /service/
name: postgres2

listen: postgres2:8008
connect_address: postgres2:8008

hosts: postgres1:2379,postgres2:2379,postgres3:2379

ttl: 30
loop_wait: 10
retry_timeout: 10
maximum_lag_on_failover: 1048576
use_pg_rewind: true
use_slots: true

- encoding: UTF8
- data-checksums

- host replication replicator md5
- host replication replicator md5
- host all all md5

password: admin
- createrole
- createdb

listen: postgres2:5432
connect_address: postgres2:5432
proxy_address: postgres2:6432
data_dir: /var/lib/postgresql/12/main
bin_dir: /usr/lib/postgresql/12/bin
pgpass: /tmp/pgpass
username: replicator
password: replicator
username: postgres
password: postgres
username: rewind
password: rewind

nofailover: false
noloadbalance: false
clonefrom: false
nosync: false

Save and close the editor when you are finished.

Edit pgbouncer.ini file on (postgres2) to make the required changes: 
docker exec -it postgres1 bash -c "nano /etc/pgbouncer/pgbouncer.ini"

In the [databases] section, add database info like below: 

* = host=postgres2 port=5432 dbname=postgres

Locate listen_addr=localhost and change it to: 

listen_addr = *
In the [pgbouncer] section, add following, but below to auth_file = /etc/pgbouncer/userlist.txt line:
auth_user = pgbouncer
auth_query = SELECT p_user, p_password FROM public.lookup($1) 
Save and close the editor when you are finished.
Edit /etc/hosts file on (postgres3):

docker exec -it postgres2 bash -c "nano /etc/hosts"
Add IP and hostname of each container:    localhost
    postgres1    postgres2    postgres3
Save and close the editor when you are finished.

Edit /etc/default/etcd on (postgres3) to add required configuration:
docker exec -it postgres3 bash -c "mv /etc/default/etcd /etc/default/etcd-orig"

docker exec -it postgres3 bash -c "nano /etc/default/etcd"
Add following configuration:
Save and close the editor when you are finished. 

Edit postgres.yml file on (postgres3) to add required configuration:
docker exec -it postgres3 bash -c "nano /etc/patroni/postgres.yml"

Add following configuration: 

scope: pg_cluster
namespace: /service/
name: postgres3

listen: postgres3:8008
connect_address: postgres3:8008

hosts: postgres1:2379,postgres2:2379,postgres3:2379

ttl: 30
loop_wait: 10
retry_timeout: 10
maximum_lag_on_failover: 1048576
use_pg_rewind: true
use_slots: true

- encoding: UTF8
- data-checksums

- host replication replicator md5
- host replication replicator md5
- host all all md5

password: admin
- createrole
- createdb

listen: postgres3:5432
connect_address: postgres3:5432
proxy_address: postgres3:6432
data_dir: /var/lib/postgresql/12/main
bin_dir: /usr/lib/postgresql/12/bin
pgpass: /tmp/pgpass
username: replicator
password: replicator
username: postgres
password: postgres
username: rewind
password: rewind

nofailover: false
noloadbalance: false
clonefrom: false
nosync: false

Save and close the editor when you are finished.

Edit pgbouncer.ini file on (postgres3) to make the required changes: 
docker exec -it postgres3 bash -c "nano /etc/pgbouncer/pgbouncer.ini"

In the [databases] section, add database info like below: 

* = host=postgres3 port=5432 dbname=postgres

Locate listen_addr=localhost and change it to: 

listen_addr = *
In the [pgbouncer] section, add following, but below to auth_file = /etc/pgbouncer/userlist.txt line:
auth_user = pgbouncer
auth_query = SELECT p_user, p_password FROM public.lookup($1)
Save and close the editor when you are finished.

Start ETCD cluster in docker container

When you are finished configuring (etcd, patroni, pgbouncer) on each container as described, execute following command to start etcd cluster:

docker exec -it postgres1 bash -c "service etcd start"

docker exec -it postgres2 bash -c "service etcd start"
docker exec -it postgres3 bash -c "service etcd start"

Check etcd cluster member:

docker exec -it postgres1 bash -t -c "etcdctl member list"
Check etcd cluster health from any of your container's shell prompt:
docker exec -it postgres1 bash

source /etc/environment

etcdctl endpoint status --write-out=table --endpoints=$ENDPOINTS
As you can see in the screenshot below, etcd cluster is healthy and active.

Type exit on container's shell prompt to return to your host machine:


Start patroni cluster in docker container

When your etcd cluster is healthy and active as described about, you can proceed to start patroni cluster.
Execute following command from you host machine to start patroni on (postgres1) first:
docker exec -it postgres1 bash -c "service patroni start"

Check patroni logs to make sure its says (I am (postgres1), the leader with the lock) as shown in image below:
docker exec -it postgres1 bash -c "tail -f /var/log/patroni.log"

When your first patroni is ready as described above, you can proceed to start patroni on your remaining docker containers as well.
Start patroni on (postgres2 and postgres3) as well:
docker exec -it postgres2 bash -c "service patroni start"
docker exec -it postgres3 bash -c "service patroni start"

Check patroni cluster member:

source /etc/environment

patronictl list

As you can see in the screenshot below, (postgres1)is elected as the leader, and (postgres2, postgres3) are replica in the cluster.

Type exit on container's shell prompt to return to your host machine:


Configure pgbouncer authentication

PgBouncer uses userlist.txt file to authenticate and authorize database clients. You can write database credentials in userlist.txt file manually using the information from the pg_shadow catalog table, or you can create a function in database to allow a specific user to query for the current password of the users. 
Connect to the database as superuser:
docker exec -it postgres1 bash -c "psql -h postgres1 -p 5432 -U postgres"

Run the following:

CREATE ROLE pgbouncer LOGIN with encrypted password "TypeYourPasswordHere";

CREATE FUNCTION public.lookup (
INOUT p_user name,
OUT p_password text
) RETURNS record
LANGUAGE sql SECURITY DEFINER SET search_path = pg_catalog AS
$$SELECT usename, passwd FROM pg_shadow WHERE usename = p_user$$;
Copy encrypted password of pgbouncer from pg_shadow catalog table:
select * from pg_shadow;

Edit /etc/pgbouncer/userlist.txt file: 
docker exec -ti postgres1 bash -c "nano /etc/pgbouncer/userlist.txt"
Add pgbouncer credential like below:
"pgbouncer" "PasteEncryptedPasswordHere"
Save and close the editor when you are finished.
Update userlist.txt file with pgbouncer credential on (postgres2 and postgres3) as well.


Start pgbouncer in docker container

When you are finished configuring pgbouncer authentication, execute following command to start pgbouncer:

docker exec -it postgres1 bash -c "service pgbouncer start"

docker exec -it postgres2 bash -c "service pgbouncer start"
docker exec -it postgres3 bash -c "service pgbouncer start"

Test pgbouncer authentication

Make a connection to database via pgbouncer on port 6432:
docker exec -ti postgres1 bash -c "psql -h postgres1 -p 6432 -U postgres"
The connection to database using pgbouncer port 6432 from (postgres1) is succeeded. You should test pgbouncer authentication on (postgres2 and postgres3) as well.
docker exec -ti postgres2 bash -c "psql -h postgres1 -p 6432 -U postgres"

docker exec -ti postgres3 bash -c "psql -h postgres1 -p 6432 -U postgres"

When you are finished with pgbouncer authentication configuration, proceed to next step.


Run HAProxy load balancer in a docker container

With patroni, you need a method to connect to leader node in PostgreSQL HA cluster regardless of which node is the leader. HAProxy forwards the connection request to leader node using patroni REST endpoint. Patroni ensures that, at any given time, only the leader node will appear as online, forcing HAProxy to connect to the correct database node in patroni high availability cluster.
Create HAProxy docker container using ubuntu:20.04 docker image:
docker create -it --network pg_network --ip -h haproxy1 -p 5000:5000 -p 5001:5001 -p 7000:7000 --name haproxy1 ubuntu:20.04

We have exposed few ports of HAProxy that are required from outside network for database clients and applications.

  • Port 5000 will be used to connect to back-end database via pgbouncer port 6432 for database reads/writes-requests.
  • Port 5001 will be used to connect to back-end database via pgbouncer port 6432 for database reads-requests only.
  • Port 7000 will be used to access HAProxy stats dashboard via HTTP.
Start HAProxy docker container:

docker start haproxy1

Execute following command to install HAProxy in a docker container: 

docker exec -it haproxy1 bash -c "apt update; apt install -y haproxy nano"

Edit haproxy.cfg to make required configuration:

docker exec -it haproxy1 bash -c "mv /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg.orig"

docker exec -it haproxy1 bash -c "nano /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg"
Add following configuration:
     log   local2
     chroot /var/lib/haproxy
     stats socket /run/haproxy/admin.sock mode 660 level admin expose-fd listeners
     stats timeout 30s
     user haproxy
     group haproxy
     maxconn 100

    mode                    tcp
    log                     global
    option                  tcplog
    retries                 3
    timeout queue           1m
    timeout connect         10s
    timeout client          1m
    timeout server          1m
    timeout check           10s
    maxconn                 100

listen stats
    mode http
    bind *:7000
    stats enable
    stats uri /

listen primary
    bind *:5000
    option httpchk OPTIONS /master
    http-check expect status 200
    default-server inter 3s fall 3 rise 2 on-marked-down shutdown-sessions
    server postgres1 maxconn 100 check port 8008
    server postgres2 maxconn 100 check port 8008
    server postgres3 maxconn 100 check port 8008

listen replicas
    bind *:5001
    balance roundrobin
    option httpchk OPTIONS /replica
    http-check expect status 200
    default-server inter 3s fall 3 rise 2 on-marked-down shutdown-sessions
    server postgres1 maxconn 100 check port 8008
    server postgres2 maxconn 100 check port 8008
    server postgres3 maxconn 100 check port 8008
Save and close the editor when you are finished.

We have included all three database nodes in primary, and replicas sections: that is because each database node is potential candidate to be either primary or replica. Patroni provides a built-in REST API support for health check monitoring that works perfectly with HAproxy. HAProxy will send an HTTP request to port 8008 of patroni to know which role each node currently has.

Start haproxy service:

docker exec -ti haproxy1 bash -c "service haproxy start"

Navigate to HAProxy stats dashboard via http://your_host_machine_ip:7000/ from any of your preferred web browser.

The HAProxy stats dashboard will look similar to like as shown in image below: 

In the primary section, the (postgres1) row is highlighted as green. This indicates that is currently a leader node in the cluster.

In the replicas section, (postgres2, and postgres3) row is highlighted as green. This indicates that the both are replica nodes and will only serve reads-requests.


Test PostgreSQL High Availability (HA) Cluster 

You can begin testing your PostgreSQL HA cluster by initiating a connection request from your host machine using (psql) via haproxy port 5000, and 5001.

Install PostgreSQL client, Python connector on your Ubuntu:

sudo apt install -y postgresql-client python3-psycopg2

Create a .pgpass file with database credentials on your Ubuntu:

echo "localhost:5000:*:postgres:postgres" >> ~/.pgpass

echo "localhost:5001:*:postgres:postgres" >> ~/.pgpass

chmod 0600 ~/.pgpass

Execute a read-request on your Ubuntu to verify HAProxy load balancing:

psql -h localhost -p 5001 -U postgres -t -c "select inet_server_addr()"

Execute the same read-request second time: 

psql -h localhost -p 5001 -U postgres -t -c "select inet_server_addr()"

This should return both of your PostgreSQL replica containers IP in the output as shown in image below: 

HAProxy perfectly balancing load across PostgreSQL replica nodes as intended.

Next, execute a write-request using same command but with port 5000:

psql -h localhost -p 5000 -U postgres -t -c "select inet_server_addr()"

This should return PostgreSQL master node IP in the output as shown in the image below: 


Test PostgreSQL High Availability (HA) Cluster Replication

We will create a dummy database to verify PostgreSQL HA cluster replication.
psql -h localhost -p 5000 -U postgres -c "create database testdb;"

psql -h localhost -p 5000 -U postgres -c "create user testuser with encrypted password 'TypeYourPassword';"

psql -h localhost -p 5000 -U postgres -c "grant all privileges on database testdb to testuser;"
Connect to your testdb, and create a dummy table:
echo "localhost:5000:*:testuser:TypeYourPassword" >> ~/.pgpass

echo "localhost:5001:*:testuser:TypeYourPassword" >> ~/.pgpass

psql -h localhost -p 5000 -U testuser -d testdb -c "CREATE TABLE logbook (guest_email text, guest_id serial, date timestamp, message text);"

psql -h localhost -p 5000 -U testuser -d testdb -c "INSERT INTO logbook (guest_email, date, message) VALUES ('', current_date, 'This is just to test database replication.');"
Execute a read-request using port 5001 to verify replication:
psql -h localhost -p 5001 -U testuser -c "select * from logbook,inet_server_addr();"

As you can see in the above screenshot, read-request return logbook output from which is postgres2 a replica node.

Execute same read-request again to verify database replication for second node:

psql -h localhost -p 5001 -U testuser -c "select * from logbook,inet_server_addr();"

This time, read-request return logbook output from which is postgres3 a second replica node.

Well, the good news is, our PostgreSQL HA Cluster replication is working perfectly, while haproxy perfectly balancing reads-requests across the replica nodes.

Simulate PostgreSQL High Availability (HA) Cluster Workload

We will execute continuous reads and writes to the database using a simple Python script as we are interested in observing the PostgreSQL HA cluster behavior upon a leader node failover. 
Clone PGSQL-HA-TESTER on your Ubuntu host machine: 
git clone

chmod +x ~/pgscripts/

Edit to make the required changes: 

nano ~/pgscripts/

Replace following with yours: 

host = "TypeHAProxyIPHere"
password = "TypeYourPassswordHere"

Save and close the editor when you are finished. 

Create a target table "PGSQLHATEST" in your postgres database by executing the following command from your host machine:

psql -h localhost -p 5000 -U postgres -c "CREATE TABLE PGSQLHATEST (TM TIMESTAMP);"
psql -h localhost -p 5000 -U postgres -c "CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_pgsqlhatext ON pgsqlhatest (tm desc);"

When you are done creating target table as described, proceed with the following.

We highly recommend to use tmux terminal in order to use multiple tabs on a single screen so that you can continuously monitor PostgreSQL cluster behavior in real time.

Type tmux on your host machine to switch to tmux terminal, then create four tabs using the key combination of Ctrl + b then Shift + " for horizontal tabs, and Ctrl + b then Shift + % for vertical tabs. 

On left side of the screen, monitor your PostgreSQL cluster state:

docker exec -it postgres1 bash

watch patronictl list

On right side of the screen, execute writes-request using port 5000: 

~/pgscripts/ 5000

and execute reads-request using port 5001: 

~/pgscripts/ 5001

Execute failover:

docker exec -it postgres2 bash

patronictl failover --candidate postgres2 --force

During a master node failover process, continues writing to the database experiences a moment of disruption while PostgreSQL cluster changes its state electing a replica node as leader. The continues writing to the database restarts as soon as master database become available. 

There is no disruption happens to continues reading to the database because replica node was available throughout.


Now that you have created a scalable, and highly available PostgreSQL release 12 HA cluster using docker on an Ubuntu 20.04. You should add one more HAProxy container, and configure a shared IP address using keepalived or vip manager to make load balancer highly available.

We highly appreciate if you leave your thoughts about this tutorial in the comment section below.


  1. This is great tutorial and setup. I am curious, though, how all this would look and what steps you have to repeat the setup if you want to run all this in separate VMs? - I want the 3 PGs to be in separate VMs each

    1. This guide will help you:

  2. Excellent tutorial. Thanks

  3. AnonymousJune 24, 2023

    Excellent - Thanks for your work!

  4. It would be great if you add the final docker-compose file.


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