VCE Exam Simulator 1.1.6 - Download


A desktop exam engine for certification exam preparation. Create, edit and take exams that are just like the real thing.

VCE Exam Simulator - What's New

v1.1.6 (Oct 9, 2014)

  • Fixed: Small miscellaneous bugs.
v1.1.5 (Oct 1, 2014)

  • Fixed: Small miscellaneous bugs.
v1.1.4 (Sep 24, 2014)

  • Fixed: Small miscellaneous bugs.
v1.1.3 (Sep 18, 2014)

  • Added: Proxy settings in main settings.
  • Fixed: Importing questions with unicode symbols.
  • Fixed: "Take incorrectly questions" mode errors.
  • Fixed: Small miscellaneous bugs.
v1.1.2 (Aug 13, 2014)

  • Fixed: Proxy settings don't work for all connections.
v1.1.1 (Aug 4, 2014)

  • Fixed: Error during resuming session.
v1.1 (Jul 29, 2014)

  • Fixed: Small miscellaneous bugs.
v1.0.2 (May 15, 2014)

  • Added: Update software ability for not logged users.
  • Fixed: Error during changing number of choices and question type.
  • Fixed: Saving sessions bug.
  • Fixed: Saving proxy settings.
v1.0.1 (Apr 23, 2014)

  • Fixed: "Stream read error" during searching.
  • Fixed: SQL injection bug.
  • Fixed: Small miscellaneous bugs.
v1.0 (Mar 23, 2014)

The new version of VCE Exam Simulator for Windows provides users with better functionality, improved stability and flawless user experience. This version incorporates the following enhancements:
  • Added: Advanced localization features, including full support of international symbols. The issue of some symbols/characters not being recognized has been fully fixed. 
  • Updated and enhanced: The option of restoring sessions in the training mode, enabling users to pick up their practice exactly where they left it.
  • Updated and enhanced: Color schemes have been updated to include better variety and bug-free operation.
  • Updated: spell-check for VCE Designer software to include 2014 dictionaries and vocabulary. 

  • Updated: Improved security to run the latest VCE files and avoid version-caused glitches.
  • Updated: importing feature to ensure smooth and glitch-free importing of large files (over 1,000 questions).
  • Fixed: "Stream read error" during importing questions and changing the answer option, as well as during the printing process – for smooth operation of the app.
  • Enhanced: Application stability and performance, bugs and glitches causing random crashing have been fixed/removed.

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