KMS Activator Ultimate For Windows 7 - 8 - 8.1

Windows KMS Activator Ultimate 2014 is the most Simple & user-Friendly activator for Windows Vista, 7, 8, 8.1. It is Safe activator with no harm to System Files. You can remove any previous activations, You can know informations about your activation, windows serial and the rest days of activation.


Net Framework 2.0
Internet Connection (To Update KMS online server for work)


Install the Application first.
After Install.
Run The Application "As Administrator" to Get it to Work.
Click on "Clean Activation History".
Click on "Update Server" to Update KMS Server.
Select Your Windows.
Click on "Activation Now".
Done, Enjoy.

It Activates :

Windows 8.1 Professional
Windows 8.1 Professional Wmc
Windows 8.1 Professional_N
Windows 8.1 Enterprise
Windows 8.1 Enterprise_N
Windows 8.1 ProfessionalPreview
Windows 8.1 Preview
Windows 8.1 CoreARM
Windows 8.1 Core
Windows 8.1 CoreN
Windows 8.1 CoreSingleLanguage
Windows 8.1 CoreCountrySpecific
Windows 8.1 EmbeddedIndustry
Windows 8.1 EmbeddedIndustryE
Windows 8.1 EmbeddedIndustryA
Windows Server 2012 R2 Server Standard
Windows Server 2012 R2 Datacenter
Windows Server 2012 R2 Essentials

Windows 8 Professional
Windows 8 Professional N
Windows 8 Enterprise
Windows 8 Enterprise N
Windows 8 ProfessionalPreview
Windows 8 PreRelease
Windows 8 ProfessionalWMC
Windows 8 CoreARM
Windows 8 Core
Windows 8 CoreN
Windows 8 CoreSingleLanguage
Windows 8 CoreCountrySpecific
Windows 8 EmbeddedProfessional
Windows 8 EmbeddedEnterprise

Windows 7 Professional
Windows 7 Professional N
Windows 7 Professional E
Windows 7 Enterprise
Windows 7 Enterprise N
Windows 7 Enterprise E

Windows Vista Business
Windows Vista Business N
Windows Vista Enterprise
Windows Vista Enterprise N

What's new in version 1.8
(Released: March 4, 2014)
-Add Activation Backup.
-Add Disable SmartScreen for work.
-Update KMS server online every day.
-Add Activation:
 Windows 8.1 ProfessionalPreview
 Windows 8.1 Preview
 Windows 8.1 CoreARM
 Windows 8.1 Core
 Windows 8.1 CoreN
 Windows 8.1 CoreSingleLanguage
 Windows 8.1 CoreCountrySpecific
 Windows 8.1 EmbeddedIndustry
 Windows 8.1 EmbeddedIndustryE
 Windows 8.1 EmbeddedIndustryA
 Windows 8 ProfessionalPreview
 Windows 8 PreRelease
 Windows 8 ProfessionalWMC
 Windows 8 CoreARM
 Windows 8 Core
 Windows 8 CoreN
 Windows 8 CoreSingleLanguage
 Windows 8 CoreCountrySpecific
 Windows 8 EmbeddedProfessional
 Windows 8 EmbeddedEnterprise
-Fixed bugs.


  1. Hi Mr Anwar, im not very clued up with computers but im trying to learn, so can you explain to me what KMS Activator Ultimate For Windows 7 - 8 - 8.1 is for? I have genuine version of windows 7, can this update my windows 7 to windows 8.1??? Thanks in advance....Think your web site is great :)

    1. Well this activator won't help u in terms of upgradation, this tool is for those, usually using pirated operating system or trial version. I don't encourage people to break piracy law but since Microsoft has nothing to with it I can't do anything. My mission is to solve pressing issue of the society and that's what m doing. You can't upgrade windows 7 to windows 8 however u need to take backup of ur windows 7 machine's data and then fresh install windows 8. Restore ur data from ur backup - there are tools on the internet which can help u take ur installed application backup as well. Good luck

  2. Hi my friend ineed password for open rar if you can


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